Transparent Shadows demo: Revisited. Posted: May, 31 2007 Download count: 3595
The "Transparent shadows demo" was revisited to port it on the new framework, make it look better and run faster.
Both goals were accomplished and now you can download and comment new version.
To run this demo you will need GeForce FX5200 and higher or Radeon9500 and higher
Transparent shadows demo. Posted: July, 04 2006 Download count: 1235
You need
At least Radeon9500 or GeForce6200
to run this demo.
There could be some little bugs on NV hardware.
HDR and Deferred shading demo. Posted: April, 30 2006 Download count: 1656
I use float16 textures in this demo so you need
at least Radeon9500 or GeForce6200
to run this demo.
The demo uses MRT, and there can be a little bugs with old drivers both on
NVidia and ATI. Don't forget to download latest drivers!
Volumetric lighting. Posted: March, 03 2006 Download count: 1448
You need
At least Radeon9500 or GeForce5200
to run this demo.